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Talaq is an Arabic word which means “freeing or undoing the knot” or in other words “Divorce”. Nowadays the word "Triple Talaq" in India has been a subject of controversy and debate. On 22 August 2017, the supreme court of India deemed instant Triple Talaq unconstitutional and had literally put a ban on it. Everybody has his or her own views on the subject, some are pessimistic about the ban of Triple Talaq while some are optimistic .But to know the factual meaning of Triple Talaq, it is important for us to know about what Quran & Hadith states about Talaq and for this we need go deep into the history when it's all started.

According to Quran or Islam, there is no verse or statement which validates the notion of Triple Talaq in one sitting. During pre-Islamic era, many laws were made to avoid Talaq. The law states that if a man divorces his wife for the third time then it is not lawful to take her back. Moreover, the laws state that one can give divorce only during clean period and if there is any intimacy, then divorce is cancelled. All these laws were made because Islam wants to safeguard a marriage. If we elaborate the first stated law, it defines that if a man divorces his wife for the first time, then three month of time is to be considered as a waiting period, even after three months if they don't think that they can reunite then they can divorce each other. But again after some months if they want they can remarry and this cycle of Marriage and Talaq can be continued up to three times, but after the third time of divorce, they are not allowed to remarry and it is considered that they have exhausted all the possibilities of living and thus they are permanently divorced. So it is clear that one have to wait for three months to give divorce and the cycle of remarriage and divorce can be continued up to three times. By providing these laws Islam made marriage simple and divorce permissible but with time to reconciliation, because Islam doesn't want to break any marriage. This is why Islam gives plenty of time to reconsider or reconciliation.

Later during the era of the Caliph Omar Bin Al Khattab, there were many evil ways by which women used to be divorced. Vile men used to divorce their wives and take them back again and again divorce them and take them back and this cycle continues. To avoid such problems, Omar implemented the law of Talaq. He stated that if a person gave his wife Talaq for "three times at one sitting", then it would be taken as three Talaqs and that would be considered as a permanent Talaq or divorce. He neither considered the reconciliation time of three month nor remarriage. He has implemented the law to censure the acts of evil men for doing Haram. From here it is lucid that Omar had circumvented the laws of Talaq for the welfare of women during his era. But whatever may be the reasons, that innovation of Talaq was incorrect as it was against the laws given by Islam.

Nowadays, cunning and malicious Muslim men in India are misusing the incorrect innovative law of Triple Talaq provided by Omar in the most sinistrous way. There evil act consists of marrying a woman and giving her divorce, by simply saying Talaq three times or even by writing and sending Talaq three times on electronic media without the permission of woman. They give all three divorces at one go which circumvents the process specified in the Quran. This is obviously not permissible in Quran. Marriage is considered as an act of worship in Quran. But unfortunately, shoddy Muslim men have turned their own law upside down which disgraced the image of Islam.

It is the responsibility of Indian Islamic groups, to make sure that every Muslim who is going to marry should know the laws of marriage and Talaq, and to censure them for any violation of law. But unfortunately this didn't happen. Both Muslim men and Indian Islam groups are responsible for the violation of Islamic laws on Talaq. Tragedies which happened in the last few years in India regarding Triple Talaq are unbelievable and unbearable. Thus to put a stop on such kind of tragedies and to increase the women empowerment, the supreme court of India banned the concept of Triple Talaq. Many people are against it, but I firmly believe that a true Muslim, who knows all the Islamic law, will definitely support the decision of Supreme Court. I would rather like to request the Islamic groups of India to proliferate the true concept of Triple Talaq, so that every young individual Muslim will get to know about the laws and constraint of Talaq. It will surely help to develop a better image of Islam in today's world .Supreme courts is eventually following the laws of Quran by banning the innovation in Talaq , so called “ Triple Talaq” for the welfare of the Muslim people and especially women  in India.


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